
Sublimated bicarbonate – the key ingredient for the health of your teeth

One of the key ingredients in BlancoDent that makes it up to 10 times more effective than toothpastes in a tube is Sublimated Bicarbonate. But what is this ingredient and why is it necessary for the health of our gums and teeth?

Sublimated bicarbonate is an innovative molecule specially developed, perfected and patented by BlancoDent. In the development process, we found that sublimated bicarbonate is as important to teeth as clean water is to a thirsty person. Building on the analogy, water is the basic element for life, but if it’s not clean, it can make us sick. This is largely true of regular bicarbonate of soda, which is often used in toothpaste tubes. And while bicarbonate of soda is good for teeth because of its alkalizing effect on the dental gingival margins and its protective properties against acidophilus bacteria, it has two serious problems. These are the result of its molecular structure:

  1. The bicarbonate of soda molecule has small spikes that irritate the gums.
  2. It easily dissolves in water and remains on the teeth and gums, causing micro-irritations.
  3. Unsublimated bicarbonate reduces bacterial plaque, but does not permanently remove it as it lacks absorbing power.

The aforementioned problems reduce the efficacy of regular baking soda by 90%, taking away from its benefits.

Our process of processing the bicarbonate of soda molecule emulsifies the irritating microscopic spikes, enveloping them in other beneficial minerals. This way, instead of irritating, the bicarbonate anchors and cleans them more thoroughly and evenly.It naturally triggers the desire to use it as if you were consuming a fortifying food. We’ve all felt the need for food that gives us energy and strength: that’s what using Blancodent feels like too! It helps the teeth in their entire structure, from the gums to the roots.

We must emphasize that the benefits of Blancodent powder toothpaste come from the combination of 50% sublimated bicarbonate and 50% nutrients, essential oils, calcium carbonate and other natural ingredients. Only when they work in combination do they achieve 100% effectiveness. So if we say that sublimated bicarbonate is like pure water for our teeth, so too can we say that the additional natural substances are their food.

BlancoDent is one of the most effective products for the health of your gums and teeth.

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