
Frequently asked questions

At Blancodent, we strive to offer the best quality products so you can have beautiful and healthy teeth. If after looking at the information section on this page you still have questions about our products, please feel free to contact us via the chat button located at the bottom right of the page, or via one of the contact methods listed below. 
How is BlancoDent different from other toothpastes in tubes?

Toothpastes in tubes contain unhealthy foaming agents, thickeners, fluoride, antibiotics, anesthetics, adhesives, water, etc… BlancoDent contains only 100% natural beneficial ingredients and we are the only ones who firmly state that every oral hygiene product must have an edible formula.

What are the benefits of using this product?

BlancoDent is your uncompromising solution for your oral hygiene and health. With its patented formula, BlancoDent takes care of cleaning, nourishing and whitening your teeth as well as strengthening your gums in an absolutely beneficial way through its 100% natural ingredients.

What guarantees the quality of the product?

BlancoDent is certified for quality by “Bio Basic Europe”, certifying it as a product that is completly edible.

How often can I use BlancoDent?

You can use BlancoDent as many times as you deem necessary, according to your needs.

Is BlancoDent powder only for brushing teeth?

No, BlancoDent powder can also be used as a mouthwash for flipping. The effect is impeccable for nourishing and strengthening your gums and teeth.

Do I need to order a box?

When you order BlancoDent you need to be able to store part or all of the contents of the package. Therefore, you need to buy a box, but only the first time you order.

For how long is the amount in the package of BlancoDent sufficient?

One pack of BlancoDent lasts for at least 2 months.

With what brush can I use BlancoDent?

You can use BlancoDent with both a regular brush and an electric brush.

How is the delivery made?

Add your chosen products to your basket, once you have completed your selection, go to your cart, follow the steps to complete your order, expect delivery from your chosen courier within a few days.